Whisky Makes for a Merry, Merry Christmas for All

By The SingleMalt Team

March 1, 2018

Christmas 2015 Whisky Society(1)

Christmas cheer is in the air, and as we gather with friends and family to celebrate the holiday, we will eat good food, exchange gifts and be merry. In any case, we open our gifts year after year, and find out that we typically receive the same thing each season; clothes, silly gifts, and Christmas sweaters that now fill our closets and take up space. This is why the perfect gift to give to those closest to you is one that will warm the heart, warm the insides, and take the party to a sophisticated level. Yes, we are talking a bottle of whisky! (or any other bottle of booze of your choice)

Here’s a 3 bottle Glenlivet 12, 15, 18 giftset that I got from my brother last year. (Thanks Errol!)


Christmas is about sharing and caring, is it not? If you want to make a great impression on a friend, in-laws, cousin, or some random stranger who you feel is deserving of a gift, there’s no better way to really brighten his holidays with a 12 year old bottle of single malt scotch, or even some fine Kentucky Bourbon. Crack it open together, sit in front of the fire, tell stories, and sip on an amber-colored booze that will slightly burn the tips of your lips, and light a blaze in the belly. Who needs more random gifts that will never be used, never see the outside of the junk drawer, or ever see the light of day? One thing is guaranteed: a bottle of fine whisky is fun for the whole family, extended family, very extended family, and well, yourself. It’s the gift that keeps on giving. Just don’t be a fool and bring some plastic jug of some undetermined booze…go big or go home. Impress with the best and shell out a few extra bucks to pick out a nice, single malt. Trust me, you will most likely indulge in this gift as well, so it’s well worth it.

This Dewar’s Signature enclosed in a special mahogany box is sure to impress your boss, or father-in-law.


For those that can’t decide which bottles to gift, don’t fret for the labels have made it easy for you. You’ll notice that during the holidays, you’d often find these attractive gift pack bundles that include fancy glasses, cocktail shakers, backpacks, and even hand carry luggages. Choose any one of them and you can’t go wrong.

This year I did my Christmas shopping at my local S&R, since they have something for everybody. Moreover, I did some scouting a couple weeks back and spotted some attractive whisky gift packs. Here are a few pics of what you can find there, but you’d better hurry because supplies are limited:

Johnnie Walker Double Black Box Set comes with 2 solid rocks glasses


Johnnie Walker Gold Box Set also comes with 2 rocks glasses.


Jameson Twin Bottles with a cocktail shaker and glass. A great deal for P2,000.


My favorite of all varieties, a Glenlivet 15 with 2 free Glencairn Glasses! Great for beginners who don’t have a proper tasting glass at home.


Need one of these?


Buy 4 Johnnie Walker Double Blacks and get a free hand carry luggage!


Buy 5 Johnnie Walker Blacks and also get a free hand carry luggage! That’s 5 1-liter bottles of JB for under 1k each and on top of that you get a luggage. What a deal! Give the bottles to 5 friends and keep the luggage.


Glenmorangie 10 with 2 rocks glasses for P1699. A perfect single malt gift pack.


Buy Two Glenlivet 12’s and get a free pleather laptop bag.


Chivas 18 with a rocks glass and ice ball mold. Not bad.


Buy 2 Chivas 12’s get an ugly backpack.


Here’s more…


and more…


even the other spirits have these gift bundles.


Nice Hennessy Glasses.


Those are just a few examples but you get the idea. The reasons you should give a bottle of whisky on Christmas are exactly the same reasons you should drop hints and let your friends and families know that nothing will make you a jollier bag of goods on this special holiday than a nice 750ml bottle of single-malt whisky. The great part is that a nice bottle of whiskey these days does not have to break the bankroll, and some really solid brands can be found between P2,000-P4,000, or even less. Can you go higher than that? Absolutely. And if there’s someone that really, really loves you and cares about you, they can even ratchet that up a bit. Everyone wins in this situation. You can assure your friends and family that their hard earned cash that they used to go out there and purchase this heavenly distilled liquid will not go to waste.

If you’re still wondering what to get as a late minute gift idea, don’t dive out into the unknown and stomp around an overcrowded shopping mall to purchase something that will be junk by December 26. Buy something that will be shared, enjoyed, appreciated, and might even liven up a laid back Christmas night.

Malty Christmas to all from the Whisky Society family!